How To Generate Leads Using BuiltWith or Publicwww
Let's say you’re selling a very pretty revenue tool that integrates with the Stripe payment system or you're looking for CEOs of companies in the construction industry. You can use a tool like Builtwith to find websites using Stripe or websites mentioning construction. It's a bit like Google but you can download the search results and download only companies along with their contact details and skip the rest of the junk.

The most popular tools people use after finding emails
Most of our clients appear to use an email sending and follow up tool like Woodpecker.co and a CRM of some sort. We’ll do a full interview with Woodpecker soon. (update: here is the link to the interview)

How to Use Anymail Finder for Promoting Your Content and Doubling Your Traffic
We all know that we should be spending a lot of time on promoting content as well as creating it. Some say 50% creation and 50% promotion, others suggest up to 80% on promotion. We’re going to cover content distribution steps that have worked for the best marketers and where Anymail Finder fits in. You’ll know how to at least double your traffic for existing and future posts. We’re seeing that evidence now.

Grow your digital agency through one logical process of getting a client’s attention.
As a receiver of many agency emails, very few have got our attention even when we needed services. They did not build up enough trust to convert us. There is one very logical way to find companies that can afford you, build relationships with them and gain a full pipeline of work. It’s like a freemium to paid model for agencies.

What people think when you send them 6 RELEVANT cold emails.
This is how I felt getting a sequence of RELEVANT emails from one person over several weeks. If emails are relevant and you've spent the time to know you're talking to the right person then it's worth following up.

Getting started with Anymail finder
We’ll cover the basics of how to use Anymail finder by explaining the features and results you’ll see.

The email that helped Salesforce reach $100m in recurring revenue
Aaron Ross helped SalesForce reach $100 million in recurring revenue. See his insights below taken from his iconic book ‘Predictable Revenue’.

How much traffic do your competitors have? What traffic does Anymail finder have?
Looking at your own and your competitor’s traffic is fascinating especially when Google updates their algorithm and wipes out half your traffic. Below see the crazy things that happened recently with a few websites.

A quote that motivates you to send better cold emails
When a guy has built several companies worth up to $200m it’s worth listening to his advice, even when he says ‘No-one gives a shit about your product’. Read why he says that and his solution.

The Ultimate List of Tools to Find Emails
See the exact steps and tools on how to rapidly find 1000s of the RIGHT email addresses within an hour including getting leads via Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook and more.