LinkedIn Email Finder

Easily extract thousands of emails
directly from LinkedIn and Sales Navigator.

Build email lists in minutesFind a profile's email in 1 click
Try now for free - 8k+ users
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Make finding emails the easiest part
of your outreach strategy

Stop relying on outdated databases and directories with stale information. Transform any LinkedIn or Sales Navigator search into an accurate, up-to-date list of leads, update it to your CRM or email tool, and start reaching the right contacts faster.
Extract Targeted EmailsFind verified emails from LinkedIn profiles with just one click, ensuring your leads are always fresh and reliable.
Create Data-Rich ListsGenerate comprehensive lead databases with detailed information and verified emails, ready for CSV or Excel export.
Slash Prospecting TimeAutomate your list building, so you can focus on sending emails, closing deals, and growing your business.

Build email lists in minutes

Effortlessly export your Sales Navigator and LinkedIn searches into spreadsheets. Run your search, applying any filter you want, then click "Extract Leads" to export the entire list to a CSV or Excel file in just one click. Each row in the file will contain comprehensive details about each lead, including their email and the email verification status. Now, simply upload the file to your CRM or email tool, and you’re ready to start your next campaign.
Click the "Extract Leads" button on any Sales Navigator or LinkedIn search and receive a list like this one:
greg@playgoodsport.comverifiedGreg MeadeGregMeadeCo-Founderhttp://playgoodsport.comGood SportChange The Way You Play ⚡️Miami, Florida, United States2022-11-01 & Co-FounderCROSSNETBuilding the biggest backyard sport to ever exist.Miami, Florida, United States2017-06-01 GoodsCEO & Co-Founder of CROSSNET | Forbes 30 Under 30usUnited StatesTampa, Florida,NAME_SEARCH
zbynek.kocian@notino.comverifiedZbynek KocianZbynekKocianCEO Brno-City, Czech Republic2019-10-01 DirectorNotinoDistrict Brno-City, Czech Republic2018-07-01 Trade & DevelopmentCEO at NotinoczCzechiaBrno Metropolitan Area,NAME_SEARCH
elle@hillandco.coverifiedElle HillElleHillFounder & CEOhttps://www.hillandco.coHill & Co.With over two decades' experience developing intimate knowledge of the US, UK and Asian diamond, gemstone & fine jewelry markets, Elle identifies and plans business development, growth and expansion targets and makes them happen following custom designed detailed execution plans which she creates. Hill & Co. consults for the largest manufacturers, retailers, and the most creative designers to ignite growth.England2012-06-01 DirectorPlukkaI co-founded this fine designer jewelry e-commerce site with offices in NYC, London and Hong Kong. Spearheaded successful IPO on the ASX in December 2015. Winner: JNA Most Innovative Retailer of the Year (2012), E-tailer of the Year (2013). Managed all departments, steered company growth. Spearheaded all product development, factory & designer partnerships, brand expansion initiatives.Hong Kong2011-01-012016-09-01 Goods & JewelryWe help responsibly sourced diamond, gemstone, jewelry businesses from <$1M to $1B+ execute our strategies that harness digital technology & increase revenue faster.gbUnited Kingdom,NAME_SEARCH
harald.schefft@maersk.comverifiedHarald SchefftHaraldSchefftHead of MCL NEChttp://www.maersk.comA.P. Moller - MaerskHamburg, Deutschland2024-04-01 of FbM NEC - by MaerskA.P. Moller - MaerskNEC2023-05-012024-04-01 of MCL NECdeGermanyOsterholz-Scharmbeck, Lower Saxony,NAME_SEARCH
eva.moskowitz@successacademies.orgverifiedEva MoskowitzEvaMoskowitzCEO and Founderhttp://jobs.successacademies.orgSuccess Academy Charter SchoolsSuccessCareers.orgGreater New York City Area2006-01-01 Committee ChairNew York City CouncilGreater New York City Area1999-01-012005-01-01 ManagementCEO and Founder at Success Academy Charter SchoolsusUnited StatesNew York, New York,NAME_SEARCH HoileDanielHoileFounder, Chief Executive officer. Founder and CEO of Logixal, I am responsible for leading the development and execution of the long term strategy with a view to creating shareholder value. My leadership role also entails being ultimately responsible for all day-to-day management decisions and for implementing any long and short term plans. More specifically, my duties and responsibilities include leading in conjunction with the board and driving the development of the Company’s strategy. Ensuring the Company is appropriately organized and staffed and assessing the principal risks the company may have to take. I also ensure effective internal controls and management information systems are in place and that the Company has appropriate systems to enable it to conduct its activities lawfully and ethically. Finally, I ensure that the Company maintains high standards of corporate citizenship and social responsibility wherever it does business. London, United Kingdom2011-01-01 Technology & ServicesFounder, Chief Executive Officer at LogixalgbUnited KingdomLondon, England,NAME_SEARCH
deven@giostar.comverifiedDeven Patel .Deven Patel.CEO, President & Cofounder Mr. Deven Patel, the CEO, President and Cofounder of Global Institute of Stem Cell Therapy and Research (GIOSTAR) with headquarter in San Diego, California, U.S.A. GIOSTAR was formed with the vision to find cures and develop affordable stem cell based therapies for the masses around the world suffering from degenerative or genetic diseases and unable to afford today’s high cost of the treatment. GIOSTAR is in process of expanding its operations worldwide in many different countries including USA, India, China, Thailand, Dubai, Philippines, Brazil, Sweden, Turkey, and Bahamas. Honorable Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi inaugurated GIOSTAR’s state of the art, world’s first, dedicated stem cell research facility and hospital in Ahmedabad, Gujarat State, India in July 2011. GIOSTAR is pleased to announce that, in collaborations with Government of Gujarat, India, world's largest state of the art Stem Cell Treatment Hospital is taking shape in Surat Civil Hospital Campus. The four State Governments in India with help of GIOSTAR’s stem cell science will be developing in near future programs to treat the large, poor populations in India suffering from sickle cell anemia and thalassemia. GIOSTAR has been consulted by few world Governments to develop stem cell program policies in their respective countries. GIOSTAR is in process of developing stem cell rejuvenation resort in Hawaii. Mr. Patel has served as the Founding President of Asian and Pacific American Coalition(APAC) representing San Diego API communities and spearheaded its efforts to create the new 9th City Council District in San Diego to be an Asian influenced district.San Diego, California, USA2008-01-01 Life Sciences Cellebration Life Sciences, Inc. has teamed with the Global Institute of Stem Cell Therapy and Research (GIOSTAR) to provide world-class research and treatments for life-threatening autoimmune diseases and orthopedic injuries. Cellebration has been preparing a FDA Clinical Trial application, the aim of which is to develop a curative treatment for Type 2 Diabetes. To learn more, please visit States2020-02-01 & Health CareCEO, President & Cofounder at Global Institute of Stem Cell Therapy and Research (GIOSTAR)usUnited StatesSan Diego, California,NAME_SEARCH
ashley@linchpinevolution.comverifiedAshley LottAshleyLottCEO & Founderhttps://linchpinevolution.comLinchpin Evolution CompaniesVital business. Diversified. Developing and innovating your future. Providing consultancy services and solutions to connect, transform, and revolutionize businesses in the form of: Fractional C-Level and executive support, day-to-day business operations and management, sales, marketing, business development, organizational strategy, revenue growth, financial analysis, white-label services, cultivating client and investor relationships, guiding and analyzing people operation structures, providing professional development training, coaching, and mentorship, and assisting with organizational scalability, change management, recruitment and talent acquisition, programming, process improvement, DEI strategies, programs, and initiatives, and culture evolution strategy implementations. Responsibilities: Consultancy, Marketing, Human Resources, Recruitment, People & Organizational Success, Sales, Property Management Industries of Specialization: Real Estate/Property Management (All), Construction, Design, Hospitality, F&B, Tech, B2B, B2C, SaaS, Marketing, Retail, General Business Fee Structure: Salary, Contract, Retainer, and/or by Project Long-Term & Short-Term Contract Positions Held: CEO, CSO, CMO, VP of Property Management, VP of Portfolio Operations (2021-2022), Director of Property Management (2017-2019), Executive AdvisorSalt Lake City, Utah, United States2005-01-01 Vice PresidentFarbman GroupAs Senior Vice President I spearhead the growth, provide executive leadership and drive new business development for Campusville, while establishing Campusville as the premier destination for comprehensive student housing property management services, investment sales, and receivership expertise in the industry. Southfield, Michigan, United States2024-01-01 EstateLinchpin Strategist, Connector & Thought Leader Guiding Culture, Innovation, Technology, Revenue Growth & Sustainable Success | Mother | Executive Leader | RE & AI Advisor | Author | Speaker | SerialpreneurusUnited StatesSalt Lake City Metropolitan Area,NAME_SEARCH
marc.degaridel@abivax.comverifiedMarc de GaridelMarcde GaridelChief Executive Officerhttp://www.abivax.comAbivaxParis, Île-de-France, France2023-06-01 Area, France2016-07-01 AbivaxusUnited StatesGreater Boston,NAME_SEARCH
simon.lascelles@businesstechnologyleaders.comverifiedSimon LascellesSimonLascellesManaging Partnerhttps://www.businesstechnologyleaders.comBusiness Technology LeadersBusiness Technology Leaders deliver strategic solutions that eliminate business concerns for the CEO and their team. We are a team of commercially astute Board Advisors, Portfolio Leaders, focused on People, Process and Technology. Our UK team of Business Technology Leaders provide all our combined experience for a fraction of the cost of a full time or interim. We earn your trust delivering value for your business as well as taking control of all the tech stuff that you might not or don’t want to understand.United Kingdom2024-01-01 Technology OfficerGlobal Rugby Clubs (GRC)The Netherlands 2023-09-01 Technology & ServicesStrategic solutions that eliminate business concerns for the CEO and their team. Commercially astute Board Advisors, Portfolio Leaders, focused on People, Product, Process and Technology.gbUnited Kingdom,NAME_SEARCH
You can export up to 2,500 leads from Sales Navigator searches and 1,000 from LinkedIn people searches.

Find a LinkedIn Profile's Email in 1 Click

Finding the email address of a LinkedIn profile you're interested in has never been easier. With a "Get Email" button integrated into LinkedIn and Sales Navigator pages, you can instantly access the email of any lead with just one click. No more copy-pasting, switching tabs, or manual searches - simply click the "Get Email" button, and the verified email is ready for immediate use.
Process up to 100k rows at once

Try now, Free for 3 days

Test out the quality of data with a 3-day free trial. Explore all the features, including single searches, bulk searches, API access, and the LinkedIn Email Finder. Start the trial now - cancel anytime during the trial if you decide it’s not for you.
4.4 on Capterra - 360,000+ users
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How to start using the LinkedIn Email Finder

Getting started with the LinkedIn Email Finder is quick and easy. Follow the 3 simple steps below, and you'll be exporting lead lists in no time.
Add to Chrome1. Add to ChromeVisit the Chrome Extension Store page and click "Add to Chrome". It takes just a few clicks, and it’s 100% free.
Make your search2. Make your searchOpen LinkedIn or Sales Navigator and search for your target audience by applying as many filters as you like.
Save important data3. Export lead listClick "Start" to begin the export process. You'll receive an email when the file is ready to download.
Watch the video tutorial for a step-by-step walkthrough
Create Targeted Email Lists
Best Email Finding tool ever"Best Email Finding tool ever"

Awesome experience with everything actually.

I like all of it's features. The ease of use of their UI, very helpful staff and also their features are just awesome. I couldn't think of anything not great about this product.

Cedris M. - Founder and CEO

Frequently asked questions

How does the LinkedIn Email Finder work?
The LinkedIn Email Finder visits the targeted profiles on LinkedIn and extracts relevant data from them. To search for an email, the tool uses the profile's full name and either the domain or company name. Based on those, Anymail Finder searches and verifies the email address.
What data can I extract?
You can extract a comprehensive set of data, including but not limited to:
  • Email address and verification status
  • First and last name
  • Job title
  • Company name and domain
  • LinkedIn profile URL
  • Company LinkedIn URL
  • Company size, industry, and type
  • Lead location (city, state, country)
  • Company location details
  • Additional details such as company description, founding year, specialties, and more...
How accurate are the emails?
Anymail Finder uses a sophisticated verification process that results in over 97% accuracy. We ensure that email addresses marked as Fully Verified have a bounce rate of less than 3%. Additionally, we only charge for emails with a tested deliverability rate of 97% or higher.
Can I use the LinkedIn Email Finder on Sales Navigator?
Yes, the LinkedIn Email Finder is fully compatible with Sales Navigator. We recommend using Sales Navigator over regular LinkedIn for extracting leads, as it offers more extensive search capabilities and higher limits
Will my LinkedIn account get banned by using this tool?
Using tools that automate actions on LinkedIn can carry a risk if used excessively or in ways that violate LinkedIn’s guidelines. It’s essential to use the LinkedIn Email Finder responsibly to protect your account from being banned. LinkedIn has specific rules regarding the number of profile views and interactions allowed within a 24-hour period. To minimize risk, the tool automatically stops when the maximum number of opened leads is reached, helping you stay within LinkedIn’s limits.
Is there a free trial available?
Yes, a 3-day free trial is available for new users. During this trial, you can explore all the features, including single and bulk searches, API access, and of course the LinkedIn Email Finder. If the tool doesn't meet your needs, you can cancel the trial at any time before it ends to avoid any charges.
How much does Anymail Finder cost?
You spend 1 credit for each fully verified email address found. If the email is not fully verified or has already been searched within the past year, it's free. Sign up for a free 3-day trial to test our service. Our plans start at just $14/month, with several options available depending on the number of credits you need.

Start extracting leads and emails
from LinkedIn and Sales Navigator

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