Anymail Finder Blog
A quote that motivates you to send better cold emails

A quote that motivates you to send better cold emails

When a guy has built several companies worth up to $200m it’s worth listening to his advice, even when he says ‘No-one gives a shit about your product’. Read why he says that and his solution.

I like reading Mitchell Harper’s stuff. He’s a typical driven entrepreneur but also a very good writer and presenter.

Here is what he says about selling products:

“When was the last time you woke up and said 'today I’m going to buy some software/consulting/services/apps/etc?'  Seriously, when was it? No One Gives A Sh*t About Your Product. They want to buy a specific RESULT your product gives them. Spanx sells undergarments, but is in the RESULTS business of helping women appear slimmer immediately, without having to lose weight. BeachBody sells workout programs, but is in the RESULTS business of helping you get in shape without having to leave your house” Mitchell Harper

Good isn’t it? Brutal but true. That quote is at the top of a list of 400 other quotes listed here which are a mix of motivating and equally brutal.

Ok, let's apply that advice to persuade you to read the next Anymailfinder article using that advice.

First I need to figure the result you want.

You don’t want leads or emails, you want to contact people who will benefit from and buy your product.

If you want to contact those people and we happen to be a service that finds emails then, combining them both, we get:

“Find and send emails to 100 people who will buy your product today”

How’s that?

How do you actually find and send emails to 100 people who will buy your product today?

Read this: Email people who tweeted about needing your product.

I really need to throw in this next article because it’s an honest overview of email finders and includes 5 ways of finding people who want your product. See How to use email finders with 5 data sources to generate the best leads

Do we follow our own advice?

Yes. We’ve been adjusting our cold emails for another startup we run called which lets you “instantly view the user’s screen without downloads to guide even the toughest most time consuming customers to purchase your product”. I think we still need to work on that :)

Related: Learn how to search for emails of bloggers, CEOs, directors, journalists, VCs startup founders and more.

Pardeep Kullar
Pardeep Kullar

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