Email people who tweeted about needing your product.
This is the cold blooded assassin method of reaching people. It’s immensely powerful, although the number you can actually reach varies greatly. It entirely depends on your industry, market and how many people share a tweet.
Objective: Get a list of people who have an interest in your product, as well as their email addresses in one hour.**
Time: 15 minutes
Search on BuzzSumo.com for a tweet being shared that relates to your product. If, for example, you are selling house insurance then you might look for all the people who shared ‘Top AirBnB rental tips’. Download the file containing those 1000s of people who shared that tweet.
Time: 45 minutes
Upload that file to Anymailfinder.com which will find email addresses for some of those people by looking at their domain names which come with the file. The file will take up to an hour, depending on size, to process.
Email them with the subject header ‘You tweeted about AirBnB…’. It’s a great opener.
Next, click here to see how to get 2,000 great leads in an hour with an equally good subject header