The Best Free pr pitch Email Templates

We've developed these cold email templates from years of experience collecting emails and working with B2B companies like yours.

Hi First Name,

I enjoyed your post on site and I found it very useful, it left me with some practical ideas to implement here at your company.

I thought I’d return the favor and give you something useful too. I found this article on article topic that may be beneficial to you.

Here’s the link to check it out link.

I hope it helps you and your team.

Thought you might like this article

Hi name,

Your latest article on subject got me thinking.

I found this article on article title that may be beneficial to you and your team.

Here’s the link to check it out – link

Hope you find it helpful. Keep up the great work.


You should blog about guest post topic

name, as an avid reader of company, I would love to read about guest post topic, and I think your other readers would as well.

Your content on existing post from their website 1, existing post from their website 2, and existing post from their website 3 is great, but I think you can tie it all together by blogging on guest blog post topic.

I know you are probably busy and won’t blog on it, so I’m going to make you an offer you can’t refuse. ;) How about I write it for you? Don’t worry, I’m a great blogger and have had my posts featured on previous guest post URL 1 and previous guest post URL 2.

Let me know if you are interested. I already know your blogging style, plus I understand what your readers love… as I am one. ;-)

Look forward to hearing from you, my name

Don’t you hate it when people pitch you story ideas name?

Well, I too have a PR pitch for you, but before you hit the spam button and move onto the next email, just give me 37 seconds, or else you’ll regret this for life! ;-)

So, here it goes:

I’m launching my website on time of launch, and I wanted to see if you wanted to cover it. Here are 2 reasons your readers would love it if you covered it:


I could keep on going with reasons on why you should blog about us, but I won’t bore you with the details. If you’re interested, let me know, and we can set up a time to chat when you’re free.

Cheers, my name

name, i think i’m in love with you

I hope I didn’t freak you out by my subject line, but I’m really in love with you. Don’t worry, it’s not in a creepy way. What I mean is I’m in love with your website company.

You probably get tons of people everyday who are in love with company, so I won’t bore you with my reasons. Instead, I thought I could show you some appreciation by giving you some feedback on how you can improve your website.

suggestion 1

suggestion 2

And if you are wondering how you can repay your biggest fan, feel free to link to my website my website. ;-)

Ah… just kidding, you’ve already done enough for me by making company so awesome!

Cheers, my name

PS: If you do happen to link to my website my website, it will seriously make my year! Maybe even decade!

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