97% deliverable email addresses, or it’s free

Pay for email data that works.

If an email address isn’t verified, you don’t pay

At Anymail Finder, we focus on accuracy and ensure you only pay for emails with a deliverability rate of 97% or higher. That means, with every email search you complete you’ll be presented with two different kinds of results: Partially Verified Emails and Fully Verified Emails. It is then up to your team to decide which email addresses you want to include in your outreach campaigns.

Fully Verified Emails97% average delivery rateSafe to use: the receiving server confirmed the email is valid.Top-quality results you can trust.
Partially Verified Emails70% average delivery rateOften valid: the receiving server does not allow verification.Provided for FREE.
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Fast and accurate email verification

At Anymail Finder, our entire reputation is built upon accuracy. So we designed our email verification system to be as thorough as possible, with multiple verification steps to ensure accuracy.

The email locator verification processes include:

Syntax Check
Domain Check
SMTP server-to-server Check
Catch-all Domain Detection
Disposable Email Detection
Spam Trap Detection

Every returned email initiates a meticulous verification process

Emailing invalid addresses poses a direct threat to your delivery rate and sender reputation, which ultimately hurts your business.

That’s why we use every returned email as an opportunity to learn and better our system. This is just one of the reasons that so many businesses trust Anymail Finder to safeguard their sender reputation and ensure messages reach their intended destination.