Anymail finder vs Lead411

Thousands of companies trust Anymail finder every day to get verified emails.

Lead411 vs Anymail finder

Why choose Anymail finder over Lead411?

Only Real Emails Count

Only Real Emails Count

Only emails that are 100% verified cost a credit so you know they won't bounce.

Free Pattern Matched Emails

Free Pattern Matched Emails

We only use the pattern if at least 70% of emails at that domain fit that pattern. If we can't verify them with the server, they are free.

No Need To Subscribe

No Need To Subscribe

If you only wanted to use us once because you have one file to upload, you don't need to subscribe and you can pay for emails just in that one file.

What's the difference?

Free Unverified Emails
Credit Rollover
Free Trial2 free verified emails7 days free
Unlimited Team Members
Bulk Upload
Email Campaign tool
Prospecting Tool
Chrome Extension
Domain Search
Search by Job title
Bulk Domain Search
Emails from Names
Email Directory
What it gets you1000 verified emails200 exports
Number of verified emails1000ca. 200
Estimated number of emailsca. 3000ca. 200