Find a Decision Maker's Email

Use this API endpoint to retrieve the email address and details of a decision maker in a specific category at a company. Provide either the company name or domain, along with the decision maker's category, to perform the search. This endpoint uses advanced algorithms to ensure accurate results while maintaining compliance with privacy regulations.




  • 2 credits: Charged when a fully verified email is found.
  • Free: If no email is found or if the email is classified as risky (partially verified).
  • Free for Duplicate Searches: Searches already performed in the past year are always free.


You must include your API key in the Authorization header to access this endpoint.
Refer to the Authentication page for details on how to authenticate your requests.

Request example

curl -X POST "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"domain": "", "decision_maker_category": "ceo"}'
Timeout recommendation: 180 seconds.
Searches are performed in real time. Response times depend on factors like the company's SMTP server, website responsiveness, and advanced operations to uncover catch-all emails.
No Rate Limits.
Our system efficiently auto-scales to handle high volumes of requests.

Request parameters

POST body parameters

Parameters should be sent as JSON in the POST Body.

ParameterExample valueDescription
"ceo"The category of the decision maker to search for. Possible values:
  • ceo(to search for "CEO / Owner / President / Founder")
  • engineering(to search for "Engineering")
  • finance(to search for "Finance")
  • hr(to search for "Human Resources (HR)")
  • it(to search for "IT (Information Technology)")
  • logistics(to search for "Logistics")
  • marketing(to search for "Marketing")
  • operations(to search for "Operations / Administration")
  • buyer(to search for "Procurement (Buyer)")
  • sales(to search for "Sales")
string - optional
""The domain of the company to search for the decision maker.
string - optional
"Microsoft"The company name (providing the domain is recommended for better accuracy).
  • At least one of domain or company_name is required.
  • domain is preferred as using company_name may not always yield the correct domain.


ParameterExample valueDescription
string - optional
""Specify an URL to receive a webhook callback when the result is ready instead of waiting for the request to complete.


400Bad Request
402Payment Needed
404Not Found

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Our team is experienced with APIs and is here to help. Contact us via chat or email at