Bulk Email Search: Download Results

Use this API endpoint to download the results of a previously completed Bulk Email Search. If this is the first time you're downloading the results, credits will be deducted based on the number of fully verified emails found and the type of search that was run.




The cost of downloading results is based on the type of search and the verification level of the emails. Credits are charged per row as follows:

  • 1 Credit per Row:
    • For Person searches with fully verified emails.
    • For Company searches, regardless of the number of verified emails returned (up to 20 emails per company).
  • 2 Credits per Row:
    • For Decision Maker or LinkedIn URL searches with fully verified emails.
  • Free:
    • If no emails are found.
    • If all emails are classified as risky (partially verified).
    • For duplicate searches performed within the last year.
Note: Credits are only charged the first time results are downloaded.


You must include your API key in the Authorization header to access this endpoint.
Refer to the Authentication page for details on how to authenticate your requests.

Request example

curl -X GET "https://api.anymailfinder.com/v5.0/bulk/{searchId}/download?download_as=csv&format=default" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
--output "./output.csv"

Request parameters

Path parameters

ParameterExample valueDescription
"blk_123a4b5c"The unique identifier of the bulk search.

Query parameters

ParameterExample valueDescription
string - optional
"xlsx"Specifies the output file format. Available values:
  • csv (default)
  • xlsx
string - optional
"default"Determines how the output file is formatted. Available values:
  • default: Default formatting.
  • company-one-email-per-line: For company searches, reformats results to have one email per row instead of grouping all emails in one row.
string - optional
"file_name"If specified, appends a column containing the file name to the downloaded file.


400Bad Request
402Payment Needed
404Not Found

Need Help?

Our team is experienced with APIs and is here to help. Contact us via chat or email at team@anymailfinder.com.