Business Planning and Risk Manager
eBay is a retail ecommerce platform that is designed to enable sellers to organize and offer their inventory for sale and buyers to find and buy it.
Life's rarely prefect, but even the imperfections add zest. Like you, I've had an abundance of ups & downs, tons of wild, weird & wonderful adventures & perhaps a smattering of perfect days. These days I have a home-grown internet business & it keeps me blissfully busy. I have two stores, and while I've been in business since 2006, I'm still learning new things every day. "Once you stop learning, you start dying." ~ Albert Einstein. I’ve been a daily newspaper reporter, private investigator and an elementary school teacher in some of the most poverty-stricken and some of the most crime-ridden neighborhoods in Columbus; I’ve been a fitness trainer and ghost writer, a literacy volunteer teacher & Meals on Wheels driver. That’s such a full life, and no matter what the future holds, I’ve been incredibly blessed. A severe spinal cord injury changed the direction of my life, sending me down roads I never could have foreseen. After 2 neck surgeries, doctors predicted I'd be paralyzed from the neck down at worst, wheelchair-bound at best. But I've always had a real aversion to people telling me I "can't" do something, so I fought as hard as I could, learned to walk again, and refused to accept the nay-saying doctors. And now, for RIGHT now, I'm still on my feet. I may not turn a great cartwheel, but hey, I was never great at those anyway. I sorely miss being able to do so many things. I know I'll never run after the ice cream truck, chase a ball across the playground or ski clumsily downhill, and that can be a little discouraging for an active person. But it's all okay if I dwell on what I CAN do rather than what I can't. I know it sounds drippy, but there's always something extraordinary right around the corner - just keep looking! No matter how bleak things may seem, you control your own happiness and the only key is remembering that, no matter where life and business take you. Without the dark, there could be no light. As we continue our journey, I'll be looking for the next perfect day & I hope you'll be doing the same. Keep your eyes open!
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