Find Verified Emails

At Anymail Finder, you only pay for email addresses that are
verified and deliverable. If an email isn't verified, you don't pay.

Trusted by professionals at:

LinkedIn Email Finder

Download email lists in just 1 click.

Extract email addresses from any LinkedIn page with just a click. Transform your LinkedIn searches into comprehensive CSV or Excel files, featuring detailed lead information, including emails.

Works on both standard LinkedIn and Sales Navigator to ensure access to valuable contact information across various LinkedIn pages.

LinkedIn Email Finder

Find emails by name

Find the email address of a person by entering their name and the company name or domain.

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Find email by person name

Find emails by company

Find email addresses of a company by entering the company name or website.

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Find all emails of a company

Find decision maker emails

Find the email address of key decision makers within a company. Enter the company name or domain and job title or department you're interested in and we'll find it for you.

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Find decision maker emails

Create targeted email lists

Enrich your existing list of companies or people with emails, or build a new list from scratch.

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Create Targeted Email Lists

Discover emails on LinkedIn

Revolutionize the way you extract email addresses from LinkedIn with our Chrome Extension.

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Email Finder API

Integrate email lookup functionality into your own applications and services.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does Anymail finder find emails?
We find emails by scraping the web in real time and using external services. We make sure emails are real by verifying them with the receiving server.
Can I trust Anymail Finder results?
We want happy customers. To keep customers happy we charge only for emails with a tested deliverability of 97% or higher.
Can I upload a file for free?
Yes, you can upload a file for free and the system will tell you how many fully verified emails it can find. If you're satisfied with the number of emails found, you can then pay to download the enriched file.