Cyber Threat and Communications Expert
Digital Shadows Ltd is an information technology services company which specializes in Cyber Security, Cyber Intelligence, Data Leakage, Cyber Monitoring, Threat Intelligence, Digital Risk Monitoring.
A 'storyteller' and communications professional fully adept at the theories and practices of internal and external communication, marketing communications and with a clear understanding of how these skills can add value to an organisation. Experienced in developing targeted messaging and relevant content to target various audiences. Someone for whom Thought Leadership is clear goal in all communications and messaging. A graduate and trained journalist with good writing and researching skills. Flexible, a team player who enjoys the challenge of a varied and demanding workload. Always open to new challenges and ideas. Strong strategic planning and implementation skills. Huge advocate of social media who excels as 'social media nagger-in-chief' amongst his colleagues and friends. Specialties: PR, content, messaging, strategy, corporate communications, storytelling, social media, video, twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, internal communications, crisis communications, blogging, marcoms, writing, journalism
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