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Coupang Email Addresses

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Coupang is an e-commerce company based in South Korea.
https://coupang.com is amongst the top 800 websites globally.
Headquarted in Seoul, , Korea, North.
Employs around 5,000 employees.
Coupang was started in 2010.

People working at Coupang:

Ashish SuryavanshiDirector, Head of Big Data Engineering and Technical Program Management Data and Analytics
Emersson BarillasAviation Maintenance Technician and Mentor
Jie Weng*****@coupang.com
Hans Hanjun LeeSenior Director of Software Engineering
Fiona ZhangHuman Resources Manager
Prithvis MohantyDirector of Engineering Retail Systems
K. Sandhu*******@coupang.com
J. Pham*****@coupang.com
D. Inamine********@coupang.com
Katherine WongHiring the Best @Coupang
Joel VanlandinghamGlobal Talent Acquisition Executive and Consultant

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