Logo of Time Warner Cable

Time Warner Cable Email Addresses

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https://timewarnercable.com is one of the top 5,000 websites globally.
Headquarted in Youngstown, Ohio, United States.
Employs around 30,000 employees.
Time Warner Cable was started in 1989.

People working at Time Warner Cable:

Darlene Puccio**********@timewarnercable.com
Kimberly AlexanderBusiness Owner
Sharlene MartinDirector, Human Resources
Kathy RodriguezAccount Executive
Linda Martinez**********@timewarnercable.com
Melissa FernandesTechnical Recruiter Lead
Joan Murphy**********@timewarnercable.com
Darryl HamlinVisionET Marketing, LLC
Gerald Degrazia**********@Timewarnercable.Com
Courtney SaenzCorporate Trainer
Margie VasapolliProduct Marketing Manager
Debra Burr**********@timewarnercable.com
Steve PhillipsInstall Manager
William WebbGroup Vice President, Service Delivery Platforms
Paula GurniakVice President Human Resources
Ryan CobbVice President, Customer Service Operational Readiness
Joi SaffordSenior Director, Customer Care
Jeff Meyers****@timewarnercable.com
Cyndee EvermanGVP, Business Intelligence, Care and Marketing Solutions

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