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Heine & Croghan Architects Email Addresses

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Based in Palo Alto, California, United States.
Around 3,000 employees.
Started in 2009.

People working at Heine & Croghan Architects:

Adi TatarkoFounder and Chief Executive Officer
Karen QuachEditor Germany
Sanjay RamanDirector of Product Management, Airbnb Plus
Paul HsiaoGeneral Partner
Margarita GolodDirector, Industry Marketing
Dave AndersonLead Product Designer
Thomas JohnsonTool and Prototype Maker and Repairer
Danielle AlmeidaSenior Marketing Manager, Affiliates
Tom BorsellinoDirector, Client Partnerships
Richard UlloaOperations Analyst
Omid AlizadehSenior Director, Information Technology Operations and Security
Jerry KingkadeChief Revenue Officer
Deepa MungaraSenior Marketing Manager
AlonOwner and Consultant
Elor IlanFront End Developer
Liza HausmanVice President, Industry Marketing and Community
Gina VeazeyChief Financial Officer
Lindsay CastrogiovanniInterior Designers Institute
Lisa RamboSenior Vice President of Central Operations at Honor

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